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Print versus Digital - Who’s the winner?

Invitations to an event are often the first chance to make a great impression. Do you print them or email them out?

I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer. There’s a place for both and also a strong argument to send both printed and emailed invitations. Print is far from dead and is actually more of a premium product nowadays. I’ve also read some comments recently about the demise of email. Stats would argue otherwise!

Here’s a few pointers if you’re printing an invitation:

  1. Personalise it - increase impact and response

  2. Choose the right material - it’s an invite, so make an impression by printing it on a quality card (your printer can give you samples)

  3. Make it easy to respond to - add something like a QR code so it can be quickly scanned to take the recipient to the mobile friendly registration page

  4. Package it right - you’ve spent time and money getting the invitation right, spend a bit more to make sure it arrives in style and in the right envelope or package

If you’re sending an email invitation here’s some things to focus on:

  1. Subject line - these stats from Campaign Monitor show including the word “Invitation” at the start of the subject line increase responses by over 9%. Avoid “spammy” subject lines

  2. Personalise it - as with print, it increases impact and response

  3. Make it snappy and quick to read

  4. Add response buttons - make it easy for them by adding Register and Decline buttons

  5. Track who’s opened, responded and bounced - follow up accordingly

So I guess there is no winner. My personal preference is to do both. They compliment each other and give your invitation two opportunities to be seen and responded to.