Before you nod off...

… hear us out!

We’re talking security here, it’s important stuff.

Getting your Mitingu account hacked could be a bit of a disaster. It will most likely contain personal and sensitive data on your event attendees.

It’s already standard to login to our platform with a username and password. It’s also standard to set a number of days until the password expires and a change is forced. We’ve just taken it one step (or should we say two steps) further. Introducing multi-factor authentication.


What is multi-factor authentication?

“Multi-factor - also called two factor authentication (2FA) or two step verification1 - is an extra layer of security for online services. Asking users for another bit of evidence in addition to their password means attackers with a stolen password still can't access the online service. “ National Cyber Security Centre

We’ve all seen it in action. You’ve probably entered your login details into a piece of software, but before you get in it sends an SMS with a verification code that you need to enter as part of the login process. That is one example of two step verification.

We’re offering the following two step authentication methods:

  1. SMS - works as described above

  2. FIDO2 - This method uses physical devices as authenticators such as YubiKey. These devices contain a cryptographic key which you can use to authenticate to our service. This is the most secure method of authentication.

We’ll shortly be adding an article on our knowledge base on how it works in Mitingu.

Important stuff, we’re sure you’ll agree.


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